Wednesday, June 6, 2012

What Apple can teach marketers

Everybody recognizes Apple advertisements as some of the best in the business.  They grab your attention, they're distinct, and they entertain.  But more importantly, they flat out are some of the most persuasive ads you will ever see.  That's because Apple has the best product demos in their TV advertisements of any company out there, by far, hands down.  Nobody is better at taking a complex new technology and making it look both simple and relevant to everyday life.

The first 4 iPhone Ads:

A few iPad Ads:

The ads communicate one simple clear product benefit and then leverages a series of product demos as reasons to believe in the benefit.  The art of the product demo is in the story telling as the ads always show the product doing tasks that you'd never imagine phones or computers could do, yet doing them in such a simple fashion that it leaves the viewer wanting more.

Now the reality is that the advertisements are based on the same consumer insight as the brilliant product design - make it so simple a 3 year old can understand it.  It sounds crazy to design the latest technology with a 3 year old in mind, but Apple's on to something in making products so intuitive (If you've ever seen a 2 or 3 year old pick up an ipad and just start entertaining themselves its mesmerizing).  Too often consumer goods manufacturers try to over engineer products, when the majority of consumers will chose the simple option nearly every time.  To Apple's credit they've unlocked this better than anybody else both in their product design and advertising.

Without a doubt the discipline Apple displays in its advertisements to not only keep them simple and relevant, but more importantly staying true to the product's primary benefit deliver a persuasive sales pitch.

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